Thursday, September 13, 2007

KOAN: The Universal Law

A mother holds you to her naked breast, and you have no reason to believe it won’t last forever.

A young woman tells you you are The Only One, she could never ever get into bed with another.

A certified Buddhist Patriarch in the lineage of Zen Master Dogen tells you that he has not just one Ejo in Jeffrey Bailey, but four Ejos, and you, Mike Cross, are one of them!

Endorphins flow around and you cannot believe how lucky you are to be swimming in this One Love.

If only it were a liquid, you would distill the essence of it and drink it every night.

If only it were a bird, you would catch it in a net, keep it in a gilded cage, and feed it the best birdseed money could buy.


KO public, common, universal
AN law
KOAN the law of the Universe

GEN be manifest, appear
JO become, realize, be realized

“The law of the Universe is realized.”

Among laws of the Universe, the 2nd law of thermodynamics, as I see it, looking up at the starry night sky here by the Foret D’Andaines where there is no light pollution, is The Big One.

After 18 months of seeming to have your mother’s tits all to yourself, a little sister arrives on the scene.

Again, 18 months after telling you that you are the Only One, guess who is back in England climbing into your best mate’s bed?

Twenty-two years on, the Buddhist Patriarch in question has lost his two American Ejos, including his beloved Jeffrey Bailey, for which he blames the two British non-Ejos, who he now suspects are non-Buddhists and demons, out to disturb the Buddha-Dharma.

That is the way energy flows, the way the cookie crumbles, the way time’s arrow points.

Irrespective of how we wish energy to flow, it has its own inherent tendency to spread out, unless temporarily prevented from doing so ( Energy may be prevented from spreading out, but only for a little while.

Totally oblivous to people’s attachments, flowers fall and weeds flourish.

When you open your eyes, it is blindingly fucking obvious. But much of the time I prefer to keep my eyes closed, and my mind’s eye firmly focused on a certain Egyptian waterway.

I don’t think I’ve quite got over yet the arrival 45 years ago of my little sister.


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